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My People - show streaming online!

Radical reimagining of My People by Caradoc Evans…online!

Exposing the hypocrisy, austerity, and brutality of a nonconformist community in rural West Wales, these searing stories are powerful, poignant, and unsettlingly funny.

Published in 1915, My People was denounced as ‘the literature of the sewer’; Evans was branded a national traitor and his books were burned in the street. Elsewhere, he was compared with Zola, Gorky, and Joyce, with Dylan Thomas citing ‘the great Caradoc Evans’ as a powerful influence.

Caradoc Evans, the ‘best hated man in Wales’, weaves journalistic integrity and social fury through a close-knit network of characters and settings, exploring community, religious purity, and injustice.

In the centenary year of one of the most vilified books in Welsh history, Steffan Donnelly and Invertigo’s contemporary reimagining in a co-production with Theatr Clwyd brings the wild imagination of My People to the stage… now available online!

Full Show available from Friday 19th June for 2 weeks on invertigotheatre.co.uk